Friday, 23 March 2012

Off-road triathlon (II) and Olympic Triathlon Tickets

Off-road triathlon swim courses are normally similar to those of road triathlons. Each type of triathlon usually requires competitors to swim a minimum of 800 meters and typically 1500 meters in a lake, river or ocean.
Off-road run courses often follow part of the off-road bike course, and so often require trail running up and down hills or mountain sides, through forests, streams, riverbeds and other natural and occasionally man-made obstacles. The run distance is at least 5 kilometers and normally 10 kilometers. Again, as in off-road biking, predicting a finish time purely based on distance will not be accurate, due to the climbing and trail turns and obstacles preventing a runner from reaching speeds usually achieved on the road.
You can purchase Olympic Triathlon Tickets from Sport Ticket Exchange at very reasonable rates. Sport ticket Exchange offers you all sorts of Olympic Tickets including Olympic Triathlon Tickets at cheap rates in very easy and secure way.

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